Registration for ORBIT 2024

Registration is now open for ORBIT 2024!

New Registration Features:

  • Register, and pay, for up to 4 bowlers at a time. 
  • Pre-purchase many sidepot entries, games, and raffle tickets ahead of arrival.
  • Through your IGBO account will be active and available through other IGBO tournaments. 
  • Be sure to use the same web browser all the way through the process.

Have the following to register:

  • Have your USBC ID# available. Find USBC Member ID at
  • Bowling Averages from 2023/24 bowling leagues
  • League information from 2023/24 bowling leagues (Name, Location, Secretary)
  • If you have a Free Entry for ORBIT 2024, you’ll want your unique code. Reach out to for help. 

Be sure to book your room at the host hotel!

Sidepots and Raffles available for pre-purchase through check-in:

Optional Scratch ($20 for single entry): 

Five Scratch divisions (A, B, C, D, and E)  Payout for: High Game, High Series, High All Events

Dark Horse Doubles ($5 for each entry, multiples allowed): 

Random pairing with another bowler, using your Doubles scores. Multiple entries allowed. (Additional entries may be purchased at ORBIT check-in)

Best 3 of 9 ($10 for single entry): 

Using all three events (9-games total), calculate your best 3 games of the 9. Handicap included.

Mega Brackets ($10 for each entry, multiples allowed): 

($10 for each entry) Maximum of 4 entries per board; 1 per quadrant; at least eight boards. (Additional entries may be purchased at ORBIT check-in)

Rainbow Raffle Tickets: 

Raffles, prizes, and cash drawings at the ORBIT awards luncheon. May the odds be ever in your favor.

9-Pin No Tap Entry (Handicapped) ($20 for single entry): 

This is an optional event for Friday night, after you check-in. Bowl three games, flexible start times. Handicapped, with 9-pin No Tap format. 

No Tap Mulligans ($15 for 3): 

These are “Do Overs” for use during the No Tap event on Friday night. If you want to re-bowl a frame, you use the Mulligan to erase the frame and try again. Limit of one Mulligan per game. (Individual Mulligans may be purchased at ORBIT check-in)

Additional Banquet Guest Pass ($49 for Guest Pass): 

Please specify Guest Name. (Additional Guest passes may be purchased at ORBIT check-in.) 

IGBO Membership ($25 for year long membership/renewal): 

Required if not a 2023/2024 IGBO member, via league or Associate Membership. 


USBC Bowler Fee ($10 for basic membership/renewal):

Required if not a 2023/2024 USBC member. 

Tournament Insurance ($10 for single entry): 

Insured bowlers who do not place or cash in any of the tournament categories are entered into a drawing to win back their Entry Fee.