Upcoming Events

No-Tap Tournaments & Fundraisers

No-Tap Summary

These mini-tournaments will rotate between two-person teams (Doubles), or one-person (Singles)

All bowlers will roll three games, and the winners will be decided by the combined team scores. Scratch bowling scores. 

$25 to play. Prize fund will be paid out at least (1:8) ratio. The amount depends on how many attendance and participation that day.

Sidepots:  50/50 Raffle and Prizes

Mulligans may be purchased for $7 each or 3-for-$15 at anytime during the event. (See below for rules on mulligans)

Tender Accepted: Cash/Credit Card/Venmo are accepted.


No-Tap tournament & fundraiser dates: 

Third Saturday of each month:

  • May 18
  • June 15
  • July 20
  • August 17

Registration at 12:00pm, bowling at 12:30pm 

Location: Played at Bowlero Raleigh:

5501 Commercial Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612

Details and Rules

  • 8-pin No-Tap means that the first ball of each frame, if your result is at least 8 pins or more then that frame will be scored as a Strike “X”.
    • An 8, 9, or 10 will be considered a Strike if it’s the first ball of each frame. 
    • If your first ball in each frame is 7 pins or less, then you should roll a second ball to attempt a Spare “/”
  • Mulligans may be used to immediately re-bowl a frame. It’s a “Do Over”.
    • Previous frames may not be re-bowled.
    • Score changes to be made only by tournament personnel.
    • One mulligan per person, per game.
    • Mulligans may be transferred to another bowler but may not be used for future events.
    • No refund for unused Mulligans.